Raise Weapon Skill in Ogrimmarr

World of Warcraft Tips
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Posts: 686
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

Here's what you do:

1.) Go to Reputation Tab and set to "At War" with Cenarian Circle.

2.) Go to Flight Tower and attack the Cenarian Emissary.

3.) Take him out to the Corridar to Durotar.

4.) Enjoy has he get's stuck in reset mode and you can still attack and lvl up weapon skills.


Did this for 2 hours and didn' t have anyone say anything.

Funny Moment:

Took him to the Auction House and had my pet attack him then stop, so he continually hit my pet with no damage coming back to him. I hid my pet in the partition that seperates the auctionhouse, so he was standing there attacking "nothing" and people were shouting "WTF" etc, as it looked like he was attacking them.
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