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Just some idea's to make the 7 in 1 or w/e beta better ^^

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:29 pm
by Melisa1
I hope you like my idea
I was thinking for like the helper thing you can add to the Rng and Cor were it says recycle and stuff add ranged attack cause I know Im a 75 rng and stuff and it would be nice to have that instead of having to switch systems for ranged and stuff
A nother thing is a party rogue bot for DD's ok here was my idea I was kinda messing with it last night for a couple seconds while in a pt kinda worked but ran into one problem alright you got your macro's and bla wait lol actully I was using the provoke bot but w/e alright
/assainst Name (name = tank)
/attack <t>
/follow <t>

ok and I need to find a way to make it stop following it right there or maybe change follow back to tank and maybe if we make it so it can do this with the party bot we can make the macro a ws macro well please tell me what you think Id realy appricate it
If I get any more idea's Ill post them here O and a nother thing this is a question anyone got a thing that will give the ID"s and the Names of NM's to me for argus bot?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:30 pm
by Melisa1
Lol I just realized somthing else I can use the provoke bot and change the macro or w/e so it uses ranged attrack hmm well duh should have thought of that