1 Gold Per Hour, Harvesting

Everquest II Guides
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Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

I tried to make the title vague so as not to give it away. This is not my find. It was emailed to me by another MPS'er who is on their way out of town. If they want I will post the KUDOs to them when they return. I made over 1 gold last night in about an hour.


Level: does not matter

Membership: Must join one of the local "crafting" areas(cellar door things)

Just inside the crafting zone you will see a named NPC with NO title. This NPC will give you an Artisan quest to go get a specific thing. IE: electrum clusters, iron, pelts, tubers, rough turquoise etc....

Hail the NPC and get the quest.

TURN AROUND and click the BROKER behind you. Open up the BUY window and do a search for the name of the quest element you are looking for. Enter the name then hit find items. The default is highest priced first(on mine). I go to the last page for the cheapest items. Your reward for the quest is 12 silver so anything below 80 copper per unit will net you a profit. Click buy from broker or you can note the name and travel to the merchants house and save a few copper. I did all mine by just leaving the windows open and clicking away.

Leave your J(ournal) window open as it will update faster than the quest helper window. IF the number quits going up then move up one on the item list as you have depleted that particular merchant. Once you have the required 15 items then hail the named NPC again and receive your reward. Rinse and repeat!!!


I made a bundle but I had bought all the cheap items and started getting quests for items that would cost me 3 or 4 silver more than the reward. I did them anyway hoping to make it up in the long run. I did make money in the end but supplies were getting more expensive.

Remember, the items you are buying are coming from other players who have set themselves up as merchants. I imagine you would have a greater selection during the busiest game times when more people are online.

The QUEST itself: I cannot figure out how to delete thes "tradeskill" quests so I can get a different item. Some items were really cheap(iron, 6c each..BIG Profit) but average animal pelts where over 1Silver each...-3 loss!! I took the loss on some hoping for the makeup on the other cheap stuff. I know how to delete other quests but these will not go away.

What have I tried delete unwabted tradeskill quests:

1. Ask for a new one, denied!

2. Leave zone and come back, denied!

3. Resign from crafting hall then rejoin, denied!

4. Resign then go to another town and join, denied!

SO as of now I am over a gold richer but stuck with getting my on pelts(seem to be the most expensive btw) or sucking up the 5silver loss in hopes of a good one next.

If we can figure out how to delete the quest or get a better one then we are GOLDEN, or should I say PLATINUM!!

As people start to do this the supplies are gonna go fast and the merchants will be making a killing!

I see this as taking advantage of a good business oppurtunity!!
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