
Complete walkthrough on Installing and Configuring your Rogue Provoking software.
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I know some peeps are like big deal or blah blah. ANd for others who are like SWEET....thank you. BUT I have to thank ffxiscripting and such. Let me say....this damn thing ROCKS...got spook every time even with 2 other around me lol. Also i had it on the fastest mode. I have a 60 thf on Hades so drops came in like candy. Anyway just wanted to say this thing works like a charm and thank you!!! :E
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L33t Botter
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Location: Kujata

where do you stand for, sppok, i keep targeting the tombstone. i think that the tombstone is slowing my targeting.

ok I'll explain. It technically spawns allover and around the stone. BUT 3/4 of the time it spans in front of it to the left or right. Stand in front of it and it makes it less obvious your head is bobbing. When it pops it'll pop to the left or right. and you should be able to snatch it w/o problem. ALSO very rarely does it spawn behind but it is somewhat predictable if you have camped it all day. just stand at the corner of the whole platform and it'll 3/4 of the whole thing except behind the angle of the stone. Pretty easy 100k on my server really. So is Ga'buh Vanquish dude in Beaurdeux if you are 60+ witch drops valk. mask. Also you might at times voke a bat or skele but i did only 2 times. They arely walk on the front of the platform. Hope this helps. 8)

PS also A little trick is you DO NOT need /targetnpc to voke or do ANY ability to the nearest mob. going in to job ability and hitting voke will do it w/o even targeting. Same with macro. Dunno if this would save space on script or improve. It also makes it faster. Faster than /targetnpc. Try it.
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Pro Botter
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on spook i just target myself go to menu abilities and just press enter as fast as i can to voke the nearest mob w/o targeting the mob which Panel said lol
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