Lucky Egg

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Dose tis realli affect drop rate and if so do i eat the item or just leave it in inv?

lucky egg doesn't have any hidden latent for treasure hunting abilities i've had the thf's of my LS and some of the regular players check this one out it's one of those mith things.
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thats eefin gay -.- lol

lol if you say so theres actually no way to prove it so you cant say ur friend has checked it out there are time when u kill 3 crawlers and get 3 silk and other times you get none. i even have gotten better drop rates with my rdm,blm the thfs its all depends andd yes there is a secret to drops and once you understand it you will know what the treasure huntermillionares desk and lucky egg does. i know i have all of the items and ive tried it out alot of times

csim2 wrote:andd yes there is a secret to drops and once you understand it you will know what the treasure huntermillionares desk and lucky egg does. i know i have all of the items and ive tried it out alot of times
So go to the Secrets part and enlighten us.

you can always tke the time to try an emperical study...say kill 1000 crawlers with egg, then 1000 without...

Closer to 10,000 of each and see what drop rates are on them with and with out certain gear. Also checking with drop rates of same family of mobs at different lvls. Like the berry grubs over to the soldier crawlers and so on. Everything in the game has a formula that can be figred out if you have the time and the knowledge of forumla's to look at it. Nothing can ever be truly random.
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I plan on getting my hands on one of these.

I have read about them on allakzham and nothing can be PROVEN but I hear that they can help with drops, critical hits, mining results, harvesting results and so on....

There are other lucky items as well,

Wild Rabbit Tail
Four Leaf Mandragora Bud
Millionaire Desk
Lucky Egg

These are all rumored to help with TH and drops in general.

People claim that when they get rid of these items they notice a huge difference and quickly get them again.

My drops are good I can't complain and so far I have aquired the mandy bud, the wild rabbit tail and the desk. Next time I get bored I will go for the lucky egg.

And to answer your question eating any of these that are consumable is not how to make it work. Just keep in inventory not sure if they work in MH. Hard to tell.....

drkluv82 wrote:Closer to 10,000 of each and see what drop rates are on them with and with out certain gear. Also checking with drop rates of same family of mobs at different lvls. Like the berry grubs over to the soldier crawlers and so on. Everything in the game has a formula that can be figred out if you have the time and the knowledge of forumla's to look at it. Nothing can ever be truly random.

that may be true but if that's the case and you wanted to find this "ultimate formula" /laugh you'd neeed to do thousands upon thousands of kills , hundreds of thousands to figure out your special random forumla which doesn't make ANY sense whatsoever.

here's how to break it down nice and simple

there are items with TH + properties to them. the rrabbit charm, tail, lucky egg, 4 leaf mandragora bud, millionaire's desk have RUMORED innate bonus.

now if that's true, we STILL don't know what luck affects.... for all we know luck (if it's there) could just affect /random rolls or just casting lots... or hell it could even be there to help your chances of critical hits... I dont' know for sure but I'd definitely go the extra length to say that even if the possibility is remote, don't you think it's worth it just to try?
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ok have the lucky egg in my inventory for a very long time and never notice a diffrence also gain the 4 leaf recently and still nothing those are consumble and only by using it u gain temporery TH or TH2.
lucky egg is really for the opo opo crown quest.
now the millionere desk i know that 1 of my old static has it and when we pt or farm together our drop rates more then doubled. even on rare/ex items
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just get a millionaires desk
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I've played with all of these and the only time saw a noticeable difference was when farming angel skins with someone in pt have mil desk in MH with no other furniture and it was in a specific place. But don't know if other furniture or location affects the drop factor or not.
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evildr wrote:I've played with all of these and the only time saw a noticeable difference was when farming angel skins with someone in pt have mil desk in MH with no other furniture and it was in a specific place. But don't know if other furniture or location affects the drop factor or not.
Specific place? Any idea where that might be?
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I seriously doubt that SE would make things THAT complicated, given that some shit in the game is already is quite complicated. But position of furniture? i mean come on.... seriously?
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lol you misunderstand I do not believe the position really matters but the ls member in the pt did so I can not say since I did not experiment with it other than him being in the pt. on the issue of other furniture however it wouldn't surprise me because if it was a unstated moghancement with elemental strength 1 then any other furniture would over ride it.
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