Rogue Enhancer configuration ~ walkthrough

Complete walkthrough on Installing and Configuring your Rogue Enhancing software.
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Start by opening the program located in the startmenu under
Startmenu / All programs / Burnersware /

Select the speed you would like the bot to run at.
First start with "Standard" then you can later try "Ultra" or "Safe Mode" speeds.
If you would like a better method then guessing you can click the "Get Vana'Diel Benchmark" link which will take you to the official Vana'diel benchmark download page.
From here just follow the instruction on downloading and installing the software.
Run the benchmark on low setting and you can use your result score to help detirmine the program speed by selecting the "?" in the top of the setup tool program, then select "Help".
Check "Benchmark" under the Playmode section
Check "Low" under the Resolution section
Select Start
Score 0-2500 (Try Failsafe speed first then move up to Standard if the Bot works good)
Score 2500-4000 (Try Standard speed first move up if the program runs fine or move down if you have problems with the bot)
Score 4000+ (Try Ultra speed first if you have problems with the bot move down to Standard speed)

Now select the Spells you currently have.
Select a check box for each spell you have, even if you only have Cure IV for example you will still select the Cure checkbox.
Now pay attention to the +1 boxes.
If you have for example Cure I and Cure II you will select the Cure checkbox and then select the +1 for each additional cure spell you have.
So if you have Cure I, Cure II, and Cure III you will select the Cure checkbox and +1 and another +1 checkbox.
If you would like to use Cure I and more then one EN spell such as Enstone & Enthunder then select the Cure checkbox and a +1 checkbox.
The +1 checkbox in this case will represent the extra EN spell
Use this method for all of your spells, the maximum to use at one time is 4 spells
This will allow 2 spells for enhancing and 2 for healing.

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